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Ordinary container
普通集装箱,又称干货集装箱(dry container)以装运件杂货为主,通常用来装运文化用品、日用百货、医药、纺织品、工艺品、化工制品、五金交电、电子机械、仪器及机器零件等。这种集装箱占集装箱总数的70 ~ 80%。除了冷冻货、活的动物、植物之外,在尺寸、重量等方面适合集装箱运输的货物,均可使用干货集装箱。
Ordinary containers, also known as dry containers, are mainly used to transport general merchandise, usually used to transport cultural goods, daily necessities, pharmaceuticals, textiles, handicrafts, chemical products, hardware and electrical equipment, electronic machinery, instruments, and machine parts. This type of container accounts for 70-80% of the total number of containers. Except for frozen goods, live animals, and plants, dry cargo containers can be used for goods suitable for container transportation in terms of size, weight, and other aspects.
2 冷冻集装箱
2 refrigerated containers
冷冻集装箱(reefer container)分外置和内置式两种。温度可在-60℃~ +30℃之间调整。内置式集装箱在运输过程中可随意启动冷冻机,使集装箱保持指定温度;而外置式则必须依靠集装箱专用车、船和专用堆场、车站上配备的冷冻机来制冷。这种箱子适合在夏天运输黄油、巧克力、冷冻鱼肉、炼乳、人造奶油等物品。
There are two types of refrigerated containers: external and internal. The temperature can be adjusted between -60 ℃ and+30 ℃. The built-in container can start the freezer freely during transportation to maintain the specified temperature of the container; The external type, on the other hand, must rely on specialized container vehicles, ships, specialized storage yards, and refrigerators equipped at stations for cooling. This type of box is suitable for transporting items such as butter, chocolate, frozen fish, condensed milk, artificial cream, etc. in summer.

3 开顶集装箱
3 open top containers
开顶集装箱,又称敞顶集装箱、开顶柜(open top container),这种集装箱没有箱顶,但有可折式顶梁支撑的帆布、塑料布或涂塑布制成的顶篷,可用起重机从箱顶上面装卸货物,开顶箱顶部可开启或无固定项面的集装箱,装运时用防水布覆盖顶部,其水密要求和干货箱一样。适合于装载玻璃板、钢制品、机械等重货。
Open top container, also known as open top container or open top container, is a type of container that does not have a top, but has a folding top beam supported canopy made of canvas, plastic cloth, or coated plastic cloth. It can be loaded and unloaded from the top by a crane. The top of the open top container can be opened or has no fixed surface. When shipping, the top is covered with waterproof cloth, and its water tightness requirements are the same as for dry cargo containers. Suitable for loading heavy goods such as glass panels, steel products, machinery, etc.
4 框架集装箱
4 frame container
框架集装箱(flat rack container)没有箱顶和两侧,其特点是从集装箱侧面进行装卸。以超重货物为主要运载对象,还便于装载牲畜,以及诸如钢材之类可以免除外包装的裸装货。还可以便于大型超宽,超高货物的吊装。
The flat rack container has no top or sides, and its characteristic is to load and unload from the side of the container. Using overweight goods as the main carrier, it is also easy to load livestock, as well as bare cargo such as steel that can be exempted from external packaging. It can also facilitate the lifting of large, ultra wide, and ultra high goods.
5 牲畜集装箱
5 livestock containers
牲畜集装箱(pen container)这种箱子侧面采用金属网,通风条件良好,而且便于喂食。是专为装运牛、马等活动物而制造的特殊集装箱。
The pen container is made of metal mesh on the side, with good ventilation and easy feeding. It is a special container specially manufactured for transporting animals such as cows and horses.
6 罐式集装箱
6 tank container
罐式集装箱(tank container)又称液体集装箱。是为运输食品、药品、化工品等液体货物而制造的特殊集装箱。其结构是在一个金属框架内固定上一个液罐。标准罐是一种安装于紧固外部框架内的不锈钢压力容器。罐体内胆大多采用316不锈钢制造。多数罐箱有蒸气或电加热装置,惰性气体保护装置,减压装置及其它流体运输及装卸所需的可选设备。
Tank container, also known as liquid container. It is a special container manufactured for transporting liquid goods such as food, drugs, and chemicals. Its structure is to fix a liquid tank inside a metal frame. The international standard tank is a stainless steel pressure vessel installed inside a fastened external frame. The inner liner of the tank body is mostly made of 316 stainless steel. Most tank containers have steam or electric heating devices, inert gas protection devices, pressure reducing devices, and other optional equipment required for fluid transportation and loading and unloading.
7 平台集装箱
7 Platform Container
平台集装箱(platform container)形状类似铁路平板车,是具有高承载能力的底板而且没有上部结构的集装箱。适宜装超重超长货物,长度可达6米以上,宽4米以上,高4.5米左右,重量可达40公吨。且两台平台集装箱可以联结起来,装80公吨的货,用这种箱子装运汽车极为方便。
Platform containers have a shape similar to railway flat cars, and are containers with high load-bearing capacity and no upper structure. Suitable for carrying overweight and ultra long goods, with a length of over 6 meters, a width of over 4 meters, a height of about 4.5 meters, and a weight of up to 40 metric tons. And the two platform containers can be connected to hold 80 metric tons of goods, making it extremely convenient to transport cars using this type of box.
8 通风集装箱
8 ventilated containers
通风集装箱(ventilated container)箱壁设有4-6个通风孔,内壁涂塑料层,适宜装新鲜蔬菜和水果等怕热怕闷的货物。
The ventilated container has 4-6 ventilation holes on its walls, and the inner wall is coated with plastic, making it suitable for storing goods such as fresh vegetables and fruits that are afraid of heat and stuffiness.
9 保温集装箱
9 insulated container
保温集装箱(insulated container)箱内有隔热层,箱顶又有能调节角度的进出风口,可利用外界空气和风向来调节箱内温度,紧闭时能在一定时间内不受外界气温影响。适宜装运对温湿度敏感的货物。 10 散装货集装箱 散装货集装箱(bulk container)一般在顶部设有2~3个小舱口,以便装货。底部有升降架,可升高成40°的倾斜角,以便卸货。这种箱子适宜装粮食、水泥等散货。如要进行植物检疫,还可在箱内熏舱蒸洗。 11 散装粉状货集装箱 散装粉状货集装箱(freeflowing bulk material container)与散装箱基本相同,但装卸时使用喷管和吸管。 12 挂式集装箱 挂式集装箱(dress hanger container)适合于装运服装类商品的集装箱。
The insulated container has an insulation layer inside, and the top of the container has an adjustable angle inlet and outlet. The temperature inside the container can be adjusted using external air and wind direction, and when tightly closed, it can be unaffected by external temperature for a certain period of time. Suitable for shipping goods that are sensitive to temperature and humidity. A bulk container typically has 2-3 small hatches at the top for easy loading. There is a lifting frame at the bottom, which can be raised to a tilt angle of 40 ° for unloading. This type of box is suitable for holding bulk goods such as grain and cement. If plant quarantine is required, it can also be fumigated and steamed inside the box. The 11 bulk powder container (freeflowing bulk material container) is basically the same as the bulk container, but spray and suction pipes are used for loading and unloading. A 12 hanging container is a container suitable for transporting clothing goods.
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